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I will protect and defend you no matter what.

Alondra D.T., Grade 7

Artist Statement

Alondra’s quote made me think about its subject and object, first person and second person. There is no more stable letterform than an uppercase I, a pillar, here also a shelter, a bulwark against threats, holding a bright, blue space to keep you safe.


The Great Ideas in this section are written by 5th–8th graders in the 826CHI program. Quotes were selected for the exhibition by participating students, who voted for their favorite ideas.

826CHI believes that having the means, space, and tools to share one’s ideas is paramount to our development as individuals and our engagement with community, social, and civic issues. With this in mind, they aim to bring students from different neighborhoods and backgrounds to the table to share in the creative process of writing as often as possible.

Special thanks to Maria Villarreal, Sarah Kokernot, Kendra Curry-Khanna, and the students of 826CHI for making this exploration possible.



Great Ideas at ChiDM, 2018. Photo: The Office of Experience.
