One man scorned and covered with scars still stove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world will be better with this.
Joe Darion (Lyrics) and Mitch Leigh (composer). “The Impossible Dream (The Quest).” Man of La Mancha, 1965.
Artist Statement
I chose this quote because especially with what is going on with the world today, this one made the most sense to me. To me the quote means that people who are beat down, either emotionally or mentally, will rise and do great things in the world. I can relate to this quote personally and this text and formatting is just beautiful and inspiring to me. The other reason why I chose this quote is because this quote’s format. The formatting that the artist used was really nice because it just makes the quote feel more homely and more inspiring than other quotes that people have written. The last reason I chose this quote was because of the words that were used. The words used in this quote are very beautiful because the way the artist made the words sound and just how they used the words in the quote, really just makes the piece more lively and inspiring. As I was designing my flag art piece, I connected the quote with it by using different shapes to represent gratitude and safety in the world. Even when we’re being pulled down, you can still get up.
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